王质的《诗总闻》首创总闻体 ,丰富了解《诗》体式 ,在言《诗》中废序不观 ,其所论诗旨与《小序》有着千丝万缕的联系。在词语训释中 ,多体察细密 ,并十分注重从文学角度看待《诗经》。
Wang Zhi's Comprehensive Interpretation of The Book of Songs, is a new approach into the style of The Book of the Songs. In his explanation of the poetic songs, Wang doesn't rely on those prefaces and his approach has a close connection with The Minor Preface(Xiaoxu).His explanations of the word meanings move into the subtle details and provides a literary perspective in dealing with The Book of Songs .Moreover, his feelings are often revealed in the interpretation.
Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)