技术进步推动下的经济全球化已经成为世界经济发展不可逆转的潮流 ,并且带给发展中经济极大的机遇与挑战。发展中经济在汇入全球化潮流之时 ,需要不断加强内部经济主体建设 ,转变政府的传统角色 ,加快技术进步 ,实现结构转换与升级。并要注意在充分发挥后发优势的同时 ,避免成为技术依赖型经济 ,实现持续经济增长。
Advanced by technological progress, economic globalization has become an unavoidable trend in the world economy, and has brought with it unprecedented opportunities and challenges to the economy in development. In such a situation, the economy in development should strengthen its internal construction, change the traditional role played by the government, enhance technological progress for the structural transformation and elevation. The economy under development, though second in position, its advantages should be fully used not to become technologically dependent. In the meantime, attention should also be paid to sustainable development
Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Sciences Edition)