教学计划修订后,越来越多的高校在环境工程专业中已不设环境化学这门课程,但作 为环境工程专业的学生应该掌握一些环境化学的基本知识。如何在新的教学计划执行过程中 进行环境化学教学,文章结合教学中所遇的具体问题加以阐述。
With the teaching syllabus newly revised, more and more universities offering environ- mental engineering program are canceling the course of environmental chemistry. However, prob- lems have arisen,as the author found,in the basic knowledge structure of students of environ- mental engineering in terms of environmental chemistry. The paper tries to solve the problems thereafter in combination of practical teaching in accordance with the newly revised syllabus.
Journal of Suzhou Institute of Urban Construction and Environmental Protection(Social Science)