从党的 80年历史和党建理论的结合上 ,阐明了我们党的政治优势是无产阶级政党共性和中国共产党个性的统一 ,是党在政治上先进性的集中表现 ;认定了党的政治优势是由党的自身性质和宗旨所决定 ,是诸多因素作用的结果 ;分析了新时期发挥党的政治优势所面临的新情况、新问题 ,并提出了解决问题的基本思路。
On the basis of the combination of the 80 year long history and the theory of the establishment of the Communist Party of China,this thesis clarifies the view that our party's political advantage,is the unity of the proletariat party's general character and Chinese communist party's individual nature,which epitomizes our party's advancement in politics.It makes it clear that the political advantage of the party is determined by its own quality and its purpose.And it is the reault of multiple factors. This thesis also raises new situations and problems when political advantage is brought into play in a new stage; at the same time, it provides the basic clue to the solution to those problems.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition)