党内腐败现象危害极大。滋生腐败的原因复杂多样 ,因此 ,遏制腐败是一项长期的复杂的艰巨任务。要从源头上预防和遏制腐败 ,加强思想政治教育和党风党纪教育是基础 ;用竞争机制选拔用好干部是核心 ;进一步健全和完善监督机制是关键 ;加强法制建设是保障 ;进一步强化对腐败分子的惩处力度是有力手段。
Corruption within the Party is a serious harm.Causes for corruption are diverse and complicated, therefore the containing corruption is a complex and long-term task. To prevent and contain corruption from its source,strengthening ideological education and the education of the party mood and descipline are the basis;selecting cadres by a competitive system is the core; promoting and perfecting the supervision mechanism is the key; strengthening the legal system is the assurance and intensifying the punishment of corrupt elements is a powerful measure.
Journal of Hebei Institute of Technology (Social Science Edition)