文章分析了中国加入世贸组织对国有专业外贸公司经营环境的影响 ,以及由此而带来的机遇和挑战。在此基础上提出了转换经营机制 ,实施品牌战略 ,“科工贸”相结合 ,科技兴贸 ,推行外贸代理制 ,增强服务意识 ,培养与使用人才 。
The article analyses the impacts, the opportunity and the threat for the business environment of China's national foreign trade companies (CNFTC) after China becomes a WTO member. It puts forward the suggestions of enhancing the competitiveness of CNFTC. The measures taken to achieve the goals are as follows; changing the traditional enterprise system and building modern enterprise system that meets the needs of the socialist market economy; carrying out “brand strategy”; trying to industrialize CNFTC; carrying out the strategy of giving an impetus to trade with the aid of science and technology; establishing the foreign trade agent system; performing the professional training for the foreign trade personnel; avoiding the brain drain and developing the multi\|market on a further stage.
Journal of Dalian University of Technology(Social Sciences)