古典诗词的兴衰尽管有其复杂的原因 ,但其中起着决定性的则是其与民间所保持的距离。关于这一点 ,学者向无论及。通过对词流变的具体考察 ,我们可以清楚地看出 :词之所兴 ,源自于对民间的亲近 ;词之极盛 ,取决于对民间保持的一种不即不离的距离 ;词之所衰 ,则由其对民间的渐趋背离所致。一句话 ,对民间的亲近或背离 ,正是决定词之兴衰的关键 。
Though the reasons are complicated for the rise and fall of ancient poems, a decisive factor is the relationship between the poems and the folks. No scholar has talked about this through the concrete observation of the development of the poems ,we can see clearly that the rise of the poems originates from the close relationship between the poems and the folks, and the great rise of the poems depends on the relationship neither too familiar nor too distant; while the fall of the poems is because of the gradual deviation from the folks.In a word, it is the right decisive key whether the poems are close to the folks or deviate from the folks, and it is also the right basic reason for the rise and fall of the literature.