和平主义在中国古代社会中既是一种政治理念 ,又是一种国家政策的基本目标取向。和平主义的思想源头可以在“协和万邦”等观念中寻到踪迹 ,其精神影响则见诸于历代的名物制度、行政举措、民族政策、邦交关系诸多层面。和平主义由此形成为一种主流政治思潮 。
Pacifism is not only a kind of political thought but also a basic aim of national policy.lt can origin from such ideas as “the harmonizatim in all nations” lts mental influence can be found in many tields such as ancient naming system,administrative measutes,national policies and diplomatic nlations.So it formed the main trend in political thought and implied the important aspect of Chinese fine tradition.