波德莱尔的《恶之花》为现代诗歌开创了一个新的时代 ,其描写对象是以往文学史上所从来没有过的 ,作品中所呈现出来的大多为丑恶的东西 ,作者以丑为美 ,化丑为美 ,向传统文化提出了挑战。与之相对应 ,在艺术上作者在文学史上最早采用了象征主义的创作手法 ,其主要手法是 :通过暗示来识读奥秘 ;通过具象描绘破译抽象情思 ;从联想产生形象。
Charles-Pierre Baudelaire (1821~1887) made an epoch in the modern poetry. What he described in his works had never been noticed in the history of the past literature before him. Most of the characters in his works were ugly, but he didn't think that way.On the contrary, he tried to dig beauty from them and turn ugly into beauty, which gave a challenge to the traditional culture.Corresponding to that, the writer was the first one to adopt symbolist writing style, that is, understanding its secrets by implying,interpreting its abstract feelings by making concrete description of his figures and forming images by associating. The theoretical base of the symbolist writing style is just the theory of feeling thoroughly put forward by himself.