采用品种 (系 )间的双交方法育成甘蓝型低芥酸、低硫代葡萄糖甙 (以下简称硫甙 )优质油菜新品种沪油 15。该品种种子含油率 4 2 .4 3 % ,菜油芥酸含量为 0 .3 8% ,菜籽粕硫甙含量为 19.0 1μmol/g ,菜籽产量比非优质对照品种汇油 50增产 2 3 .9%以上 。
Huyou 15 a new low erucic acid and low glucosinolate rapeseed ( Brassica napus L.) variety was successfully bred through using the double crossing method by our Institute. The oil content in seed of Huyou 15 is 42.43%,erucic acid content in seed oil is 0.38% and the glucosinolates content in seed meal is 19.01 μmol/g. The seed yield of the variety increases by 23.9% over that of Huiyou 50(CK). Huyou 15 is suitable for growing in the region of the lower Yangtse valley.
Acta Agriculturae Shanghai
上海市科技兴农重点攻关项目 (99 1 6)