对1999年冬至2000年春北方粳稻南繁育种情况进行了报道。分析发现 ,多施并分段施肥可以明显提高分蘖量 ,但使生育进程延迟。在中等肥力的土壤上 ,早施且适当少施氮肥不会对分蘖产生明显影响 ,并可以促使花期、熟期提前。加大插植密度可以弥补因施肥不足造成的穗数少、繁种产量低的不足 ,并有促进成熟的作用。播种期对结实率有巨大影响 ,主要是播种期不同 ,生育进程不同 ,受低温影响的物候期不同 ,从而受低温伤害的程度不同所致。认为适当晚播(11月10日左右) ,并采取施足磷肥、早施且适当少施氮肥。
The process of breeding for northern japonica rice in Hainan Province between 1999.11~2000.3 was reported. The results of the study indicated that more fertilizer applied on different growth stages increased effective tillering rate, but postponed the growth advancement. In the medium fertile field, early and appropriate application of N fertilizer did not obviously affect tillering capacity, but enhanced the flowering and ripening. Dense planting could compensate for the inadequate panicles and low product due to inadequate fertilizer, and it also promoted ripening. Because of different climatic conditions, sowing date had significant effect on seed-setting rate. Properly late sowing, adequate application of P, early and proper application of N, dense planting and ethelene spraying were the key techniques for successful breeding of northern japonica rice in Hainan Province.
Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University