文章就Brow n&Levinson、Leech 的礼貌策略、礼貌原则与顾曰国的汉语礼貌准则作了比较研究,剖析了英汉语言在礼貌语用上的文化价值差异,有助于人们在跨文化交际中,考虑对方的文化价值观,从而促进成功的言语交际。
The thesis compares both the Politeness Tactics in English by Brown & Levinson and the Principles of Politeness in English by Leech with the Principles of Politeness in Chinese by Gu Yueguo.The analysis of Value difference between English and Chinese cultures in politeness pragmatics will help people to pay enough attention to other's politeness phenomina when Communicating of their languages are quite different.
Journal of Jiaying University