

A tentative idea to construct a base for environment teachers education in the Department of Geography, Guangzhou Teachers College
摘要 环境教育正逐渐成为广州市中学教育的重要内容,广州师院应当而且能够为此作出应有的贡献。从专业特点、学科发展、师资力量以及毕业生未来发展方向等方面来看,把广师地理系办成广州市环境教育师资的培训基地具有多方面的有利条件。 Abstract To popularity the environmental education need a large number of teachers who with knowledge fairly overall the environment science. However the teachers in environmental education can not satisfied the demand completely. Department of Geography in Guangzhou teacher's college should be brought into full play to tackle this problem. Some foundations have been possessed to develop the environmental education in Guangzhou City. If we utilizing the advantage factors sufficiently and taking the environmental education in middle schools as the breach, a new prospect of educational education must be founded in Guangzhou. Middle school stage is an impotent period to broaden and deepen the knowledge of teenagers, so is a good chance to take systemic environmental education too. Taking the cultivation of the middle school teachers as the main task, the Department of Geography in Guangzhou Teachers collage should take the environmental education in middle school as one of its main research subjects. Now the reformation in education system are carrying out and the “Answer test education” is transferring to “quality education” in our country. The education on the environment consciousness, which embodies the citizen quality level, must become the important content of the middle school teachings gradually. Considerable schools have done a lot of works in this aspect, but it is not enough for what the education receivers gotten were bits and pieces of concepts on environmental knowledge and did not form a complete environmental consciousness though it was helpful to environment protection. Only by making teenagers receive the education on Ecology, national condition, resource and value of the environment, environmental laws and morality can one form real environmental consciousness. No matter what post or occupation they would do, he or she would take correct direction in coordinating the relationship between human and nature, economic development and environmental protection, so as to accomplishing the Continuing Development Strategy raised by “Agenda 21”. To achieve this target need a large number environment teachers who have fairly systemic theory knowledge. It is reported that more then 50 members in the Education Committee of Guangzhou environment Science society, only 21 of them are teachers whom specialized in Geography, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Chinese in the middle schools. They are a backbone of the environmental education works. However this troop is far insufficient to the numerous middle schools in Guangzhou. On the other hand, some of them are short of systemic train in the environmental education. The research, interchange and development on environmental education in the middle schools must be promoted greatly, were the train base in environment education set up at the right moment and combine the continue education together with the academic career education. In our college, Biology, Chemistry and Geography departments have closer connections with environment science, especially is the department of Geography. The author considered that to set the Department of Geography as the base of teacher education has a few advantages. The first is the similarity in special field of study. The widespread research contents of Geography and environment science contain not only the natural but also the society sciences, which have many similar fields in knowledge structure and education content. The second is to strengthen the teacher education in environment would greatly profit the popularity of environment science and the development in course of geography study and teaching reformation. The third is easy to deal with the supply of teachers. Because of the close relationship between environmental and geography sciences, each specialized courses in department of geography contains many problems and research projects on environment. That enable most of specialized courses of environmental education specialization be
作者 潘安定
出处 《广州师院学报(社会科学版)》 1998年第1期86-93,共8页
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