真实性是新闻的基本要素 ,任何制造的新闻都是不真实的。新闻策划符合新闻真实性原则 ,因为“制造”和“策划”有着本质的区别。新闻策划是新闻工作者在新闻业务中对已经发生、正在发生或即将发生的具有重大意义的新闻事实进行有创意的谋划和设计。在各行各业飞速发展的今天 ,策划更显其重要性。
Authenticity is a fundamental element of news. The made up news cannot be true, but the scheme of news accords with the principle of the authenticity of news because there is essential difference between 'make up' and 'scheme'. The scheme of news is a kind of premeditated planning and design by the journalists to the magnificent news facts which happened, are happening and will happen, and it appears more and more important in this fast changing world.
Journal of Shaoguan University