中国共产党根植于中华文化的沃土 ,继承和弘扬了中华先进文化的基本精神 ,又吸收了来自西方的先进文化——马克思主义。中国共产党努力将马克思主义与中国实际、中华民族文化相结合 ,承继和弘扬了中华民族民为邦本、务实求是、持中贵和等中华文化的基本精神 ,大力吸收西方的先进文化 ,创造了中国社会主义的新文化 ,成为中国先进文化前进方向的代表者。
Taking root in the Chinese culture, the Communist Party has inherited and promoted the Chinese advanced culture and has also absorbed the quintessence from the West—the Marxism. Through inheriting and promoting the basic Chinese cultural spirit: people centred, practical, moderate and peaceful spirit, etc, through absorbing widely the Western advanced culture—Marxism, and in the meantime combining with the reality of China and the Chinese culture, the Communist Party has created the new Chinese culture—socialist culture and become the representative of a progressive direction of the Chinese advanced culture.