一国破产整顿程序的结构直接影响其运作效果 ,程序的结构与功能有着一定的联系 ,其背后蕴含着立法者深刻的意图。我国破产整顿程序虽很不完备 ,但也有自己的特色。在完善我国破产整顿程序立法中 ,理应把现代破产整顿程序的时代精神贯穿其中。
The structure of a country's bankruptcy streamlining proceedings directly influences its operational effect, There is a certain relation between the structure of proceeding and the function, which implies the profound intention of the law maker. Although our national procedure of bankruptcy streamlining is incomplete, it has its own characteristics. In the course of laying down an improved procedure of bankruptcy streamlining, we should introduce the spirit of the time of modern proceedings of bankruptcy streamlining into it.