“松竹梅”在成为中国审美文化传统时 ,经历了一个从“美善相乐”的“比德”到形质自美的“畅神”的发展过程。前者从实用价值出发 ,后者倚重自然的姿态与品性。这个过渡与南朝的自然审美意识的觉醒紧密相联 ,深受庄学精神的启发与涵养。经过长期的文化积淀 ,自李唐后 ,“松竹梅”逐渐成为一种极具东方神韵的中国审美文化传统。
With “Pine,Bamboo and Plum''s different status at different China culture stages,with a common rule of the creation and existance of natural beauty,the present paper will illustrate hors “Pine\,bamboo and Plam\'is influenced by zhuangzi school's spirit and become the appreciated bearty with typical Qriental charm.In addition,the paper analyses the extro-clues and intro-logic of the set-up and development of this kind of aesthetic sense.
Journal of Fuzhou Teachers College