以KDRp为启动子 ,实现TNFR5 5基因在内皮细胞中的特异表达 ,提高其表达量 .构建特异表达TNFR5 5的逆转录病毒载体pLXN D2 99 KDRp TNFR5 5 ,将编码TNFR5 5的cDNA转入内皮细胞中 ,检测感染后的内皮细胞中TNFR5 5表达量的变化及其对TNF细胞毒作用的影响 .结果显示 ,TNFR5 5在内皮细胞中的表达量有显著提高 (P <0 .0 1) ,TNF对内皮细胞的细胞毒作用增强 .而同样经病毒感染的NIH3T3细胞表面TNFR的表达量无明显变化 .编码TNFR5 5的cDNA能够在KDRp指导下实现在内皮细胞中的特异表达 ;内皮细胞表面TNFR数量提高后能加强TNF对其的细胞毒作用 .
Using KDRp as promotor to realise the specific expression of TNFR55 in endothelial cells and upregulate the number of TNFR55 on the membrane of endothelial cells.Construct target-expressing retroviral expression vector containing cDNA of TNFR55 and use it to transfer endothelial cells,and then explore the changes of TNFR number on endothelial cells and its influence on cell toxicity of TNF.TNFR number on membrane of endothelial cells was highly upregulated (p<0 01),and the cell toxicity of TNF was enhanced.The TNFR number on membrane of NIH3T3 had no different changes after gene transfer(p>0.05).TNFR55 could be specifically expressed in endothelial cells under the instruction of KDRp,and the cell toxicity of TNF to endothelial cells was enhanced after the TNFR55 had been upregulated.
Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition)