2001年6月9日至15日,APEC 21个成员的政府官员、海内外客商约3万人将云集烟台。这次投资博览会作为整个APEC中国年的重要组成部分之一,直接配合和服务于今年10月在上海举办的APEC领导人非正式会议,其意义重大,倍受海内外关注。烟台作为地级市,能否承办好如此大规模、高层次的国际盛会,怎样筹备组织好这次盛会,为此,我们采访了第二届APEC投资博览会组织委员会主任、烟台市市长杨金镜。 “组织领导机构强有力” 杨市长信心十足地说。
● With Yantai's favorable climatic, geographical and human conditions, the APEC Investment Mart will surely be hosted well and successfully.● As for bidding for the mart, 700 exhibition booths have been confirmed, including 290 overseas ones. Among the 25 major delegations, 15 are from foreign countries. It has been confirmed that all of the 21 APEC members will participate in the exhibitions in the ares for members.● The Mart will consist four parts, including the investment and business talks, the APEC CEO forum, the displays of the investment opportunities of APEC members and talks on investment and cooperation.