传统的美欧公司在技术创新机制上采取一种自主创新模式 ,日韩公司的技术创新则是一种模仿创新模式。通过对 2 0世纪 80年代中期以前美欧、日韩两类公司各自技术创新机制及 80年代中期后出现的新特点进行比较 ,说明模仿创新仅是欠发达国家企业迎头赶上的权宜之计 ,但非长久之计 ,最终还是要走上自主创新的道路。
Traditionally,American & Eurapean Companies take the aggressive pattern in their technological innovation,while the Japanese & South Korea companies take the imitative pattern. By the comparison of the different technological innovation patterns before the middle of 80s’ of the 20th century and the new distinguishing feathers accured in their technological innovation patterns of these two kind of companies,this thesis argues that the imitative method is just an expedient measure for the less developed countries,but is not suitable for the long time run. At last,they should take the aggressive patlern.
R&D Management
国家自然科学基金基础研究课题"全球网络经济中大公司变革的国际比较研究"的一个子课题。批准号 :79976 0 89