本文以民间组织与政府的关系为切入点,介绍了我国政府对民间组织所实行的“双重 管理” 体制,并分析了这种体制的合理性和必要性。作者以对北京市三个不同类型的民间环保组织 的个案调查为依据,对民间组织与政府关系进行了分析。
The keystone of this report is researching the relation between the NGO s and the government. The report introduce the“ Duplex Administer' System which is being executed for NGOs by the government and analyses the rationality and i nevitability of this system. Based on a case study for three Non- government or ganizations committing themselves in environmental protection in different types by author, the report describe and sunmmarizes the characteristics of the relat ion between them and the government.At the end of this report, the author bring forward some suggestions for the policy system on administering the NGOs.
China Soft Science