我国票据市场的发展既是社会主义市场经济发展的必然趋势,同时也是我国金融业迎 接 WTO挑战的客观需要。由于金融改革与创新的力度不够,特别是制度层面的创新明显滞后 ,严重地制约了我国票据市场的发展。体现市场经济体制要求的新制度,已经成为经济社会 中的“稀缺资源”。本文认为加大制度创新的密度和频率,是推动我国票据市场快速发展的 首要问题。
The development of our bill market is not only the inevitable trend of developing our socialist market economy, but also the objective need of our fina ncial industry receiving WTO challenge. As the degree of financial reform and in novation is not enough, especially the system innovation obvious lag, restrict b adly the development of our bill market. The new system that embodies the demand of market economy already becomes“ seldom resource' of economy society. This a rticle thinks that increasing the density and frequency of system innovation is chief problem to promote fast development of our bill market.
China Soft Science