改革开放以来,东部沿海地区实施对外开放战略取得了举世瞩目的成功。当前,面对 经济全球化与新技术革命两大浪潮的挑战,我国东部地区在实现工业化和市场化的进程中, 将不得不适时进行战略调整。本文认为,高技术经济战略一方面反映了东部地区发展环境的 巨大变化,另一方面也是东部地区抓住全球化与信息化的机遇 ,全面推进工业化和市场化的 最优战略选择。在东部具体实施高技术经济战略过程中,首先要突破实施高技术经济战略的 两个瓶颈,其次构建高技术经济战略的一个支持系统,从而形成发展高技术经济的整体战略 构想。
Facing with globalization of economy and revolution of new technology now, the east area of China has to frame new development strategy during the pro cedure of industrializaton and marketability. The paper thinks that the strategy of high technology not only fits to the great change of total circumstance in t he east area but also catches the opportunity of industrialization and marketabi lity. During the procedure of enforcing high- technologty strategy, we should b reak two limits of taking the strategy; then we should constitute a support- sy stem to make up a whole strategy of developing high- technology economy.
China Soft Science