实现老内燃机车司机室的空调化 ,是一个棘手的课题。文中介绍了一种以中央空调原理实现的空调改造方案的研制情况 ,并对试验数据进行了总结和分析。分析表明 ,该装置在压缩机转速 2 0 6 0r·min- 1 工况试验时参数正常 ,证明压缩机配置、盘管式蒸发器设计成功 ;从压缩机转速 3 0 6 0r·min- 1 工况试验数据分析可以看出 ,膨胀阀容量过小造成机组能效比过低 ,制冷量不能再上升。在此基础上提出了一种整体采用中央空调方式 ,动力液压驱动 ,一台制冷机实现两端司机室空调的经济可行的空调改造方案。这种方案具有体积小、易安装、成本低、可靠性高、司机室温度稳定、零部件互换性强等优点。根据我国铁路的实际情况 。
It has been a tough issue to in stall air-conditioner in the old-type locomotive cab. The paper introduces an air-conditioner upgrading solution that employs centralized air-conditioning principle, developed by locomotive and Car Research Institute, CARS, in 1991. The test data is summarized and analyzed. It proves that parameters are normal when the compressor rotates at 2 060 rpm, indicating the configuration of the compressor and design of coil evaporator are correct. When the compressor rotates at 3 060 rpm, working condition experiment data shows that the capacity of expansion valve is too small, the efficiency too low and refrigeration capacity cannot further increase. Based on the analysis, an upgrading solution is put forward; overall central air-conditioner unit with hydraulic drive is used with one refrigerator supporting two cabs. This is feasible and economical. The unit of the new solution is small in size, easy to install, low in cost and high in reliability. It has stable cab temperature and the spare parts are easy to replace. The study on this issue is worthwhile according to practical situation of the Chinese railways.
China Railway Science