交通拥挤并不完全是由于交通运输能力与设施短缺而导致的 ,随着出行者边际费用的个人化倾向、交通需求周期性波动的时间模式和交通市场内部的倾斜性排挤等 ,都可能导致交通拥挤。为缓解交通拥挤 ,应讨论道路使用费。
Traffic congestion is not completely due to the lack of traffic transportation capacity or infrastructure. There exists as well other causes such as a personalized intention of traveler's marginal expenses, the horary variation of seasonal demands and the internal separative repulsion within traffic market, etc. To ease traffic congestion, it is to discuss the economic policies such as toll of road, traffic congestion tax and economic allowance for public traffic, etc.
Railway Transport and Economy