研究由高分子量、低水解度聚丙烯酰胺为主剂和RF树脂为交联剂的聚合物微凝胶调剖剂溶液的交联反应速度、热稳定性能、流变学特性及其在岩心中的渗流特征。在模拟樊家川油田地质条件下 ,聚合物微凝胶有较好的岩心注入性能 ,对高渗透岩心有较高的封堵效率和优异的耐冲刷特性 ,对低渗透岩心的伤害程试较小 ,调剖后岩心驱油效率比水驱提高 15个百分点以上。
The paper studies crosslinking reaction rate,thermal stability and rheology property of polymer microgel profile control agent and its percolation feature in core.In simulation geologic setting of Huangjiachuan Oilfield,polymer microgel has good core injection capacity,higher plugging efficiency and fine brushability for high permeable core.It has low damage for low permeable core.Oil displacement efficiency of core after profile control is increased by 15%.The polymer microgel profile control agent is suitable for formation deep seated profile control of heterogeneous thick reservoir.
Drilling & Production Technology