机车车辆企业进入市场较晚 ,相对其它行业的装配企业敏捷化生产比较落后 .在分析机车车辆企业生产运行特点及其敏捷制造的影响因素基础上 ,研究了制约因素理论 (TOC) ,制造资源计划 (MRPⅡ )和准时生产技术 (JIT)等管理技术在机车车辆企业中计划与控制两方面的集成对敏捷化生产的促进作用 。
Agile manufacture is one of the objects that modern assembly enterprises are seeking, however, due to late market involvement for loco. & rolling stock enterprises, agile manufacture is relatively underdeveloped in contrast with other industries. The article, on the basis of analysis of manufacturing and operational characteristics for loco. & rolling stock enterprises and other factors effecting on agile manufacture, studies the promotion caused by integration of TOC, MRP Ⅱ, JIT and other management technique in the field of enterprise plan and control against agile production, and focuses on calculation of restricted factor theoretical output load and methods of plan balance in particular.
Journal of Daqing Petroleum Institute