本文给出了在大型封闭区域 ,用带漏泄段的同轴电缆作为发射天线时 ,2GHz窄带和宽带无线电波传播特性的测量结果。对于窄带信号 ,主要测量了传播过程中的衰减 ,测量结果表明 ,在平行于电缆方向上 ,接收信号的电平比垂直于电缆方向的电平大 ;接收信号的快衰落服从瑞利分布 ,而慢衰落不服从正态分布。对于宽带信号 ,测量了多径脉冲响应 ,得到了均方根时延扩展及其概率分布。
This paper presents the results of narrowband and wideband propagation measurements carried out at 2GHz in a large enclosed area using a coaxial cable with leaky sections as the transmitting antenna.The narrowband measurements were devised to measure attenuation of radio signals and the wideband techniques to measure multipath impulse responses and their associate root mean square delay spread.Analysis of the narrowband data files shows that the received signal levels in the direction parallel to the cable generally decay and display peaks in front of leaky sections due to the specific attenuation and specific structure of cable.The received signal levels in the direction radial to the cable decrease slowly.The slow variations do not follow the lognormal distribution,while the fast variations fit the Rayleigh distribution in both parallel and radial direction.
Journal on Communications
国家自然科学基金资助项目 ( 69972 0 30 )
山西省自然科学基金资助项目 ( 9910 2 4 )