

Geographical Distribution and Evaluation of Resource Utilization of Myrcaceae in Guizhou
摘要 报道贵州杨梅科植物种类、分布及生态调查、资源评价和引种驯化等项研究成果 :贵州分布 1属 3种 ,即杨梅 (Myricaarubra)、毛杨梅 (M .esculata)和矮杨梅 (M .nana) ,但资源破坏严重 ,有 32个县约占全省 40 %的自然植被中数量日趋稀少 ,资源的有效保护和合理利用十分必要 贵州毛杨梅果实浓甜少酸 ,鲜果核脆 ,是引种栽培和遗传育种的特优种质资源 毛杨梅在贵州由于大山、沟谷的阻碍隔离 ,或者人为破坏的原因使其连续分布带中断了 ,形成“越过生物障碍的连续分布区” ;贵州是矮杨梅分布的最东界 ,其自然分布于东经 1 0 6 0以西 ,即突破云贵高原半湿润性常绿阔叶林 1个经度 ,在北纬 2 6 0以南逐渐稀少 贵州杨梅野生分布1 0 32 56公倾 ,果品储量 1 70 1 1 858公斤 ,在园艺、林业、轻工。 In Guizhou there is one genus with three species, namely, Myrica cubra, M. esculenta and M. nana. have been reported. Variety distribution and investigation of ecology, resource, evaluation, and introduction and cultivation. on Myricaceae. The resources of Myrica cubra have been destroyed seriously. Myrica cubra is scarce in thirty-three counties, accounting for about 40 % of vegetation areas in the province. Therefore, it is much important to strengthen effective protection and rational utilization for the resources of Myricaceae. The fruit of M. esculenta in Guizhou is much sweet and less sour. Its fresh fruit has a crisp kernel.. M. esculenta is a significant germ plasma resource for cultivation and hereditary breeding. Due to high mountains, valleys, etc or purposely man-made destruction, the continuous distribution zone of M. esculenta is interrupted, forming 'a continued distribution zone across biological obstacles'. Guizhou is the place where M. nana ends in its extreme east. Its natural distribution is beyond the west of east longitude 1060, that is, penetrating one degree of longitude over the semi-humid evergreen broad-leafed forest in Yunnan-Guizhou plateau. M. nana becomes less and less beyond the south of north latitude 260.
作者 邹天才
机构地区 贵州省植物园
出处 《贵州大学学报(自然科学版)》 2001年第2期103-113,123,共12页 Journal of Guizhou University:Natural Sciences
基金 贵州省年度科技计划资助项目
关键词 贵州 杨梅科植物 种类 资源评价 地理分布 引种驯化 资源利用 Myricaceae in Guizhou variety and distribution resource evaluation.
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