利用蚕豆根尖微核技术检测周口市颍河水质污染状况 ,结果表明全部受试水样均能引起微核率上升 ,二板桥采样点水样的微核率为 17.71‰ ,胜利桥、地区医院、孙嘴桥、沙河口桥和周口大闸上游各水样的微核率分别为12 .45‰、10 .0 6‰、9.35‰、8.47‰和 7.11‰ ,提示水体含有遗传毒性物质 .
This paper reports the results of water pollution al detection of Yinghe River in Zhoukou city by using micronucleus test teahnique of Vicia faba toot- tip calls.It shows that all the samples from Yinghe River in Zhoukou city can ca use the micronucleus frequency of Vicia faba,of which the micronucleus in Er Ban qiao Part reaches 17.71‰,and that in other parts separately reach 12.4‰、10.06 ‰、9.35‰、8.47‰、7.11‰.All the samples indicate that there are some genetic toxicitical substance in Yinghe River.The possible reasons for the pollution men tioned above are analyzed.
Journal of Henan Normal University(Natural Science Edition)