
典型鼠疫疫源地环境-健康脆弱性评价 被引量:12

Assessment of environment-health vulnerability in typical plague foci in China
摘要 鼠疫是对人类危害最重的自然疫源性传染病 ,它的发生、传播与地理环境密切相关。由于目前还未完全弄清它的病因形成机理 ,因此研究鼠疫疫源地环境 -健康脆弱性 ,对预防鼠疫流行很有必要。选择黄鼠鼠疫疫源地典型地区内蒙古自治区赤峰市 ,应用 13个自然与人文指标 ,研究鼠疫疫源地环境 -健康脆弱性 ,分析该地区环境变化的趋势和对鼠疫流行的影响。经聚类分析和矩阵运算 ,得出该地区环境 -健康脆弱性指标阈值。在此基础上对不同环境 -健康类型区的脆弱性进行综合评价。结果表明 ,森林覆盖增大或城市化的地区 ,原来黄鼠生存的环境改变为不适宜生存的环境 ,发生鼠疫流行的风险性小 ,环境 -健康脆弱度低 ;自然环境条件恶劣、草场退化的地区 ,环境 -健康脆弱度高 ,再次流行鼠疫的可能性大。从而揭示 ,改善生态环境 ,是改变鼠疫疫源地环境 -健康脆弱性。 The pathogens, epidemiology, prevention and control of plague, a deadly infectious disease most harmful to human beings are all highly related to physical and human factors People still have not completely understood some facts concerning plague epidemic formation and its relationship with eco-environment Hence it is very important to study the geographical epidemic law of plague and distribution of plague natural foci, and analysis on their environment-health vulnerability for more effective control of its outbreaks and epidemics The assessment of environment-health vulnerability will present a synthesis analysis talking human health as the core This paper firstly presents the background of spatial distribution of plague and natural plague foci in whole China,and then studies the environment health vulnerability by taking a typical plague focus as a case Chifeng in Inner Mongolia, a typical dauricus plague focus, and one of the ten types of natural plague foci in China, was selected for study based on 13 natural and social indicators such as rat density, annual average rainfall, annual average temperature, forest coverage, meadow coverage, population etc For the purpose of analyzing the trend of environmental change and its impacts on plague prevalence, the threshold value of environment-health vulnerability was deduced through clustering analysis and matrix operation of 13 indexes, and 4 different types of environment-health vulnerability were divided according to the threshold value Corresponding to this, 4 types of environment-health vulnerable areas in the typical plague foci, such as very high vulnerable area, high vulnerable area, moderate vulnerable area and low vulnerable area were identified The characteristics of low vulnerable area mainly manifested higher forest coverage or high urbanization level where it was unsuitable for dauricus survival anymore Consequently, the risk of plague prevalence changed into very low possibility On the contrary, the original surroundings in the very high vulnerable area became deteriorating seriously, and it posed higher probability of plague prevalence These imply that rehabilitating environment status in plague foci is the essential way to improve the environment-health vulnerability and control plague prevalence effectively
出处 《地理研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期290-297,共8页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 (4 97710 77)
关键词 鼠疫疫源地 环境-健康 脆弱性 空间分布 plague foci environment-health vulnerability
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