德国铀矿山和水冶厂退役治理自 1991年开始 ,需 130亿马克 ,2 0~ 2 5a完成。其退役治理工作引起了国际的高度关注 ,并获得了国内外的高度赞赏。举例介绍了德国铀矿山和水冶厂退役治理技术及进展 ,包括矿井关闭、废石堆治理、建 (构 )筑物及设备器材的拆除、尾矿稳定、水处理等 ,同时简单介绍了德国铀矿冶的发展历史。
The decommission of uranium mines and mills in Germany began in 1991 and will cost DM 13 billion and spend 20~25 years.The remediation effects have received favorable recognition at the national and international level.This paper introduces the technologies and process of the decommission of uranium mines and mills in Germany,including closure of underground mines,remediation of waste rock piles,dismantling and demolition of installations and buildings,stabilization of tailings ponds and water treatment,in addition,briefly presents the development history of uranium mining and metallurgy,the basic legal framework applied to the implementation of remedial measures and decommission monitoring in Germany.
Uranium Mining and Metallurgy