本文针对内点惩罚函数法现有算法在计算中设计变量常常越出可行域边界 ,导致计算失效而提出了一种改进的计算方法 .该方法的主导思想就是保证对内点惩罚函数的求极值过程一直限定在可行设计区域内 ,从而保证各 X* ( γ* )均在可行域内 ,并进行了实例计算验证 .
This paper presents a improved calculating method according to the present calculating method of inpoint method of SUMT, which design variable often cross a feasiable district bundary and result in calculating failure. The main idea of this method is to assure exferma calculating and all *(γ *) are confined to a feasiable design district, moreover, an application example is calculated and verified.
Journal of Mathematics For Technology