水泥深层搅拌桩加固软基 ,是近年来迅速发展起来的地基处理方案 .本文研究了深层水泥土的强度特征、规律和影响因素 ,并在大量试验的基础上总结出公式 ,对其进行重点定量评价和整体测试 ,保证水泥深层搅拌桩加固质量 .
The deep agitated concrete pile foundation for the enforcement of the soft base is the structure developing rapidly in recent years. This paper studies the intensive property, the law and the influential elements of the deep agitated concrete pile foundation and the earth condition. Based on numerous experiments, the paper summarizes the patterns dealt mainy with the fixed value and the measurement of the whole structure so as to guarantee the quality of the pile foundation.
Journal of Luoyang University