日本国有企业民营化改革有组织、有计划地进行调查、宣传 ,与国民达成共识 ,通过立法调整产权结构 ,使改革有序可循 同时 ,引进竞争机制 ,下放企业经营自主权 ,加强管理 ,广开就业门路 。
Denationalization reform of Japanese state Enterprise becomes a matter of commen concern of the whole country through its planned and organizational survey and propaganda.The structure of property right is regulated by means of legislation,which reform can be based on.Meanwhile,competition is introduced,clecision-maleing power of enterprise is transferred a tower level,Management is tightened up,the way to obtain employment is widened.This succersful experisence can be used for reference by our seate Enterprise reform to the off the hook.