选择 2 5 6份我国各大豆栽培区代表性地方品种为材料 ,以国际通用的美国 0 0 0~X熟期组的 48份标准品种为对照 ,在南京进行分期播种及光照处理试验 ,制订出与国际相衔接的我国大豆生育期生态类型划分标准 ,将我国大豆划分为 0 0 0~Ⅺ熟期组 ;明确我国长江中下游大豆区春豆归属 0~Ⅳ组、夏豆归属Ⅲ~Ⅷ组 ,并分析长江中下游大豆区春、夏豆品种熟期组地理分布概况 .
To link the Chinese maturity groups system with the US system,48 of 13 MGs from the US and 256 land races from China were tested.The soybeans from China were classified into 000,00,0,Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅸ.It was shown that the spring sowing soybeans from Middle and Lower Changjiang Valley Soybean Cultivating Region were grouped into 0~Ⅵ,and that summer sowing soybeans were grouped into Ⅲ~Ⅷ.In addition,the geographical distribution of maturity groups of spring or summer sowing soybeans from Middle and Lower Changjiang Valley Soybean Cultivating Region was also presented in this paper.
国家自然科学基金!资助项目 (39390 0 13)
安徽省教育厅自然科学基金!资助项目 (99JL0 0 86 )