本文介绍了VAX/VMS 操作系统下的应用软件生成工具RDBMAIN 和FMSM-AIN。RDBMAIN 是RDB 数据库定义和维护的软件工具,FMSMAIN 是具有汉字处理功能的屏幕格式自动生成的软件工具。这两个软件增强了RDB/VMS 和FMS/VMS 的功能,提高了软件的开发效率和质量。文章着重对设计思想和实现技术要点这两方面进行了介绍。
This paper presents applied software generation tools RDBMAIN andFMSMAIN on VAX/VMS.RDBMAIN is a software tool of database definition andmaintenance.FMSMAIN is a tool for generating the screen form with the functionof Chinese character processing automatically.The both software tools enhance thefunctions of RDB/VMS and FMS/VMS,and raise the software development efficiencyand the software quality.The paper focuses on the introduction of the ideas of thedesign and the point of the implementation technology.
Computer Applications and Software