简述了血吸虫病的发生机制及其感染途径 ,以纯棉织物作为服装的基材 ,通过药物染色法整理制得特种防护服。经疲劳模拟试验及动物防护试验表明 ,当药物整理的浓度为 5 %时 ,其防护率可达到 10 0 %。相同浓度下 ,在工厂批量生产的防护服面料的药载量比实验室样品高出约 43%。现场试验的检查结果表明具有良好的防护血吸虫病性能。
The mechanism and infection path of schistosomiasis was briefly discussed in t his article. Using cotton fabrics as matrix, via endurance simulating test and a nimal protecting test after medication finishing, it is proved that the concentr ation at 5% level in treatment enables 100% protection ratio, while at the same level, the medicine content by clothing in full production is 43% highe r than that in sampling production. The results of in-situ test shows that the protective clothing features exceptional protective performance.
China Dyeing and Finishing