对于美术图案智能生成系统 ,其元素的获取、绘制及录入一直是一个瓶颈问题 ,为此提出了一种应用综合推理的思想来生成新的图案元素的方法 .这种方法可以直接从已有图案元素的形象信息出发 ,根据一定的特征要求 ,迅速综合生成新的图案元素或原元素的多种变化形态 ,因而大大丰富了图案元素库 ,并在一定程度上缓解了元素获取。
s How to get pattern elements is a bottle neck problem all the while in the computer aided pattern design system. Firstly, this paper introduces the principle of synthetic reasoning and defines its three components:synthetic source S, synthetic constraint C, synthetic result R. Secondly, it discusses a way of the pattern element transformation and generation based on the synthetic reasoning. Thirdly, based on eigenvector, this paper present the pattern element generation model with very simple field strength function of components. Because this model is simple, intuitional and coincident with the data structure of synthetic source and result, the implementation is relatively easy and the effect is fairly good. Then some examples are presented. Finally, this paper proposes some evaluation and some suggestion about advanced research in the future. On all accounts, this method can use the visual information of acquired pattern elements, under some special requests, to produce new ones rapidly or transform them to other conformations, which will amplify greatly the resource of pattern elements and resolve forenamed problem at a certain extent.
Journal of Image and Graphics
国家自然科学基金项目 (6 97330 30 )