目的 研究表皮细胞生长因子 (EGF)和碱性成纤维细胞生长因子 (bFGF)点眼对兔自体穿透性角膜移植 (PKP)伤口愈合的影响。 方法 18只白色家兔的 36只眼采用分层随机方法分为 9个组 ,利用兔自体PKP动物模型 ,采用点眼给药方法 ,通过伤口愈合强度测量 ,3H -脱氧胸腺嘧啶 (3H -TdR)掺入液闪计数和AgNORs、VG染色以及透射电镜等方法 ,观察EGF和bFGF联合点眼对兔自体PKP术后伤口愈合的速度、强度及其质量的影响。 结果 (1)EGF +bFGF联合点眼在PKP术后 8d能增加伤口愈合强度以及伤口处成纤维细胞的数量。 (2 )术后 14,2 1dEGF和bFGF联合点眼与阳性对照组间的伤口愈合强度、伤口处成纤维细胞的数量以及3H -TdR的掺入率比较 ,差异均无显著性意义。 结论 EGF和bFGF联合点眼在PKP术后早期更能促进伤口的愈合 ,在术后 14d以后 。
Objective To observe the effect of epidemic growth factor (EGF) combining with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) on wound healing of the penetrative keratic autoplasy in rabbits. Methods All 18 rabbits (36 eyes) were randomly divided into 9 groups and undergone penetrative keratic autoplasy, eyedrop.Diameters of the trephines were all 6 mm. Liquid scintillation counter was used to measure the incorporation rate of 3H TdR. Pressure detector was used to survey the intensity of keratic wound healing. AgNORs staining was used to count the fibroblast cells at keratic wound. VG staining, AgNORs staining and transmission electron microscopy were used to observe the morphological changes of keratic wound. Results (1) Both the wound intensity and the number of fibroblast cells of combination groups were higher than the 2 control groups in 8 days. (2) From the 14 th day to 21 st day, the wound intensity, the number of fibroblast cells and the incorporation rate of 3H TdR in wound healing had no obvious difference from the positive control groups. Conclusions At the primary time, EGF combining with bFGF topic is more efficient to accelerate the wound healing of PKP. But the effect of this combination topic is just the same as bFGF topic alone 14 days later.
Chinese Journal of Trauma