为证明出生后血液循环中存在内皮细胞的前体细胞 ,从G CSF动员的成人外周血及脐带血中分离CD34+ 细胞 ,将之接种于纤连蛋白与明胶铺板的培养皿上 ,培养体系中加入重组人内皮细胞生长因子(rhVEGF)和重组人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子 (rhbFGF)。用vonWillibrand因子 (vWF)表达及I型凝集素(UEA I)结合能力鉴定内皮细胞。结果表明 ,上述体系经 5 - 6周培养后 ,接种CD34+ 细胞的皿出现一层致密的贴壁细胞 ,而接种CD34-细胞的皿则未形成贴壁层。免疫细胞化学和流式细胞术的结果显示 ,几乎所有贴壁细胞为vWF阳性 ,且约 90 %的细胞具有UEA I结合能力。实验结果证明人出生后阶段血循环中存在有成血管细胞 (angioblast) ,因此在成人中也可发生血管系形成过程。
In the present study, an attempt was made to prove the question whether endothelial cell precursors exist in blood circulation during postnatal period. CD34 + cells were harvested from G CSF mobilized adult blood and umbilical cord blood and incubated onto fibronectin/gelatin coated Petric dishes in the presence of recombinant human vascular endothelial cell growth factor(rhVEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor(rhbFGF). Endothelial cell lineage was identified by von Willebrand factor(vWF) expression and Ulex europous agglutinin I(UEA I) binding capacity. The results showed that a firmly adherent cell monolayer formed when CD34 + cells, but not CD34 - cells, were cultured for 5-6 weeks as described before. Immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry analysis showed that almost all of the adherent cells were vWF positive and around 90% were able to bind UEA I specifically. These findings demonstrate that angioblasts exist in the circulation during postnatal life and therefore, vasculogenesis might occur in adults.
Journal of Experimental Hematology
国家高新技术课题 (86 3)资助编号BH 0 3 0 5 0 1~~