等离子电机是一种新型、瞬时而高功率的特种电机 ,由于该电机的能源来自于机械能向电能的瞬时转换 ,所以系统的冲击问题成为一个不可避免而又致关重要的问题。本文应用了机电模拟的思想 ,通过电枢回路方程 ,求得电流、电压随时间变化曲线 ,从而找到惯量 J的选取方法 ,导出了转速及转矩随时间变化方程式。本文从静态和动态二方面对系统进行受力分析和计算。通过对系统固有频率的计算 ,找出了避开固有频率的方法。最后从波动学角度 ,对系统的应力波作了浅显的讨论。根据分析计算 。
The plasma Impulse Electric Motor(PIEM) is a new, instant and powerful specific motor. The power of PIEM comes from the instant transmission of mechanical power to electric power. The procedure results in a great shock so it is especially important to deal with the shock. We get the curve of the current time, voltage time from armature circuit eguation which is induced from mechanicl electric modeling. Then it is easy to get the inertia ‘J’. In this paper, we can go in on the force analysis and calculation in both static and dynamic phases. Besides that, we also compute innate frequency of the system in order to avoid resonance. At last, we superficially analyse the stress wave of the system. Based on above results, we suggest to solve the shock by electric magnetic clutch.
Drive System Technique