传统的离心泵叶片模具制造技术已不能适应现代水力机械高性能、高开发效率的要求。利用先进的三维实体建模软件 ,制作出离心泵转轮叶片的实体模型 ,然后将其分层处理 ,在激光成型机上利用烧结或凝固等技术逐层成形 ,最后将各层叠加即完成模具的制造。实现了转轮叶片的快速、准确成型 。
The traditional technic of vane's mold manufacturing does not suit the demand of the high performance and the high development efficiency of modern hydrulic machine. Using improved 3D software,we can make the 3D esse of the vane of the pump's impeller,then we delaminate it by computer. Through the sintering or crudling technic layer of vane can be made in the laser molding machine. Finally a mold can be built by splicing. By this way,it comes true making the mold of the vane fast and nicety,improving the efficiency of design.
Drainage and Irrigation Machinery