本文针对存在参数变化的不确定性电液伺服系统的跟踪控制问题 ,提出了一种具有前馈补偿的滑模鲁棒控制器设计方法 ,利用李亚普诺夫方法证明了整个闭环系统的渐近稳定性。应用这种方法于某疲劳试验机电液伺服系统 ,通过仿真验证了该方法的有效性。
A design method for sliding mode robust controller with feedforward compensator is presented, aimed at the problem of tracking control for electrohydraulic servo system with uncertainties of varying parameters. The asymptotic stability of overall closed loop systems is proved by using Lyapunov method. The presented controller has been applied to the electrohydraulic servo system of a fatigue testing machine and the effectiveness of the control method has been verified by simulation.
Journal of Taiyuan Heavy Machinery Institute