WorkingModelFEA是在AUTOCAD平台上开发的用于机械结构有限元分析的专用软件。由于软件本身的缺陷 ,对较复杂截面形状零件的网格划分以及部件装配约束关系向有限元分析模型的传递存在问题。本文主要讨论了如何实现对较复杂截面形状零件的网格划分 ,提出了如何把较复杂截面形状零件转化成便于进行有限元计算的零件模型的方法以及部件装配约束关系向有限元分析模型的传递及如何添加变形协调约束关系等技术问题 ,并对原来的中文菜单文件作了一些修改 。
Working Model FEA is expert software to realizc finite-element analysis of mechanism structure based on the AUTOCAD. As there are some disfigurement itself problems exist in some fields, for instance when the section is comparatively complex the analysis would not be carried on. And when the restriction relation of the assemblage parts was transferred, the same problem was existed. In this article how to realize the partition of the complex section to make the analysis be carried out is discussed. It was also discussed how we should deal with the restrict relation which was transferred from the assembled schematics properly. At same time we have made a few modification on the original menu to make it be used more conveniently.\;
Machine Design And Research