1 999年 2月和 1 999年 7月 ,重庆动物园和雅安碧峰峡生态动物园喂养的小熊猫( red panda)分别大面积爆发和流行犬瘟热病 ,重庆动物园小熊猫死亡 1 1只 ,死亡率达1 0 0 % ,雅安碧峰峡生态动物园小熊猫死亡 4只 ,死亡率为 2 5 %。两地发病小熊猫所表现的临床症状和病理解剖变化不完全一致 ,但均有血便、呼吸急促、不食 ,精神差、肺出血充血等类似症状。从雅安碧峰峡生态动物园患病小熊猫分离出的犬瘟热毒株 ( cdv2株 )对VERO细胞适应性比从重庆动物园分离的( cdv1株 )强 ,其 TCID50 达 1 0 - 6/0 .2 m L,两地分离的毒株均能同抗犬瘟热阳性高免血清反应。此外 ,用抗犬瘟热高免血清治疗 ,成功地挽救了 1
In February and July of 1999,the red pandas in Chongqing zoo and Yaan Bifengxia zoo were attacked by the canine distemper virus.It resulted in all death of eleven red pandas in Chongqin zoo and four death of sixteen red pandas in Yaan Bifengxia zoo,and the death ratio reached 100% and 25%,respectively in two zoos.Although there were some difference between the clinic symptom and pathology change.All red pandas that infected the virus expressed the blood stool,polypnea,loss of appetite,lassitude and bleed in lung.The strain(cdv2)from Yaan Bifengxia zoo had better adaptability to VERO cell (TCID 50 was 10 -6 /0.2 mL) than the strain (cdv1) that isolated from Chongqing zoo.The strain cdv1 and strain cdv2 had positive reaction with serum against canine distemper virus,and the strain cdv2 appeared a clear precipitation line with positive serum.Otherwise,twelve red pandas were saved through using the serum against canine distemper virus from dog.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine