
华南地区短枝木麻黄种源试验 被引量:13

Provenance Trials of Casuarina equisetifolia in Southern China
摘要 对华南地区短枝木麻黄种源 16个性状的两试点联合方差分析表明 :除 PBA和 PBL 外 ,其它性状在地点间有极显著差异 ,表明参试种源在两个地点分别进行种源筛选 ;除 1年生树高、2~ 3年生单株材积外 ,其它数量性状在种源间有显著或极显著差异 ;4年生的树高、胸径、单株材积、PBD、PBT、PBL在种源×地点 ( P× S)互作间有显著或极显著差异。方差分量比例计算结算表明 ,2~ 4年生时 ,除 4年生单株材积方差分量比例略有降低外 ,树高、胸径和单株材积的地点方差分量比例及 P× S互作的方差分量比例均随年龄的增加而增加 ;质量性状 SFA、SFS、PBD和 PBT,地点方差分量比例最大 ,而种源或加上 P× S互作的方差分量 <10 %。当不考虑 P× S互作效应时 ,种源数量性状和质量性状的遗传变异系数和广义遗传力均比考虑互作效应时相应性状的遗传变异系数和广义遗传力大。4年生树高、胸径、保存率、SFA和 SF S等 6个性状 ,按地点对参试种源进行评定结果为 :试验 E94 6中 ,优良种源为 180 86、18118、183 55、180 13、182 4 4、18119、182 88、183 4 8、180 15和 180 0 8;试验 E94 4中优良种源有 18154、183 55、1812 8、18143、18153、1812 7、1813 4、142 3 3和 182 88。这些种源均好于国内对照种源 。 Two provenance trials of Casuarina equisetifolia were conducted at Dongshan of Fujian Province and Yangxi of Guangdong Province in south China.The two trials were 49 seedlots with seeds from Australia Tree Seed Center.Dongshan trial was 40 seedlots which include one local seedlots,and Yangxi trial was 42 seedlots.A complete randomized block design was employed for each site,with 24 trees per plot and 4 blocks or replicates.The 33 seedlots of the same kind were used in the two trials.From 1 to 4 years old,tree height (H) and diameter breast high(DBH) were measured,and single tree volume(V) and survival rate of tree (S) were calculated.Some qualitative traits on tree stem and branch feature were observed which include stem form axis persistence (SFA),stem form straightness (SFS),permanent branches density (PBD),permanent branches thickness (PBT),permanent branches angle (PBA) and permanent branches length (PBL). The results showed that there were significant difference (P<0 01) in quantitative and qualitative traits between sites,between provenances,between provenance×site (G×E) interaction,which indicated that those provenances were not only genetic variation in tree growth indexes at each site but also genotype×site interaction.Provenance broad heritability (H 2) were calculated.Using H,DBH,V,S,SFA and SFS,by the multiple objective strategic decision analysis method,provenances in each trial was optimized and ranked.Ten seedlots which was 25% of the total seedlots at Dongshan,and 8 seedlots which was 20 93% of the total seedlots at Yangxi,were screened out as better Provenances.These seedlots performance was better than the local control seedlot.The genetic variation coefficients an broad heritability of provenance in all quantitative and qualitative traits were estimated from 1 to 4 years after planting.Possible suitable areas of C.equisetifolia provenances were predicted in southern China by means of Booth's model.
出处 《林业科学研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期408-415,共8页 Forest Research
基金 中澳合作项目"国际性木麻黄种源试验"(1994~ 2 0 0 2 )研究内容
关键词 短枝木麻黄 种源试验 遗传变异 优良种源选择 华南地区 Casuarina equisetifolia provenance trial genetic variation provenance selection south China
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