提花毛圈的形成一般有两种方式 ,即选沉降片方式与选织针方式 ,文中对这两种方式提花毛圈的编织方法进行了比较。在此基础上 ,确定采用选针式提花毛圈组织开发绒类室内装饰面料 ,其中对编织工艺中的原料选择进行了详细说明 ,并对后整理工艺作了介绍。
Normally there are two ways by which jacquard terry structure can be formed: by sinker selection or by needle selection. Based on the comparison between these two knitting processes, the structure formed by needle selecting process is decided on to be used as home furnishing. A detailed description to the selection of material which will be used in the knitting process and a brief introduction on the post finishing process are given in this paper.
Knitting Industries