We report the results of factor Ⅷ-associated antigen(vWF: Ag)and its coagulative activity(Ⅷ: C) and vWF: Ag/Ⅷ: C value in 63 patients (30 virus hepatitis and 19, coronary heart disease arid 14, ischemic cerebravascular disease). The results showed that there were no significantly increase in Ⅷ: C, while vWF: Ag and vWF: Ag/Ⅷ: C obviously raised, vWF: Ag and vWF Ag/Ⅷ: C more obviously raised at active stage and in severe cases. meanwhile Ⅷ: C descend. It is suggested that the determination could act as an important nonspecific index of pathalogical degree of virus hepatitis, coronary heart disease and ischelnic cerebravaseular disease and judge of hypercoagulation The preliminary evaluation of the change mechanism of vWF: Ag and Ⅷ: C in the three disease is also made.