针对基本模糊控制器存在不能消除稳态误差及其变化率以及无法同时得到较好的动态特性和稳态性能的缺点 ,提出了一种复合模糊控制器的设计方案 ;通过一个子模糊控制器来自动修正量化因子 Ke,Kc和比例因子 Ku,从而改善基本模糊控制器的性能。并以工业过程普遍存在的带滞后的二阶对象为例 ,设计了复合模糊控制器。仿真结果表明
To address the problems in the basic fuzzy controllers that the steady state errors and the changing rate of the steady state errors cannot be eliminated,and that the good dynamic characteristics and steady-state properties cannot be simultaneously obtained,this paper proposes a design of composite fuzzy controller. The properties of the basic fuzzy controllers can be improved by a sub controller that automatically corrects the quantizing factors K e and K c ,as well as proportional factor K u .A composite fuzzy controller is designcd,taking the second ordelr subject with delays as an example that cominouly existed in the industrial processes. The sinlulation result shows that the proposed composite fuzzy controller possesses good control properties.
Journal of Projectiles,Rockets,Missiles and Guidance